not much one for horoscopes, but...

there's this one site where the horoscopes have a different feel to them, way more prophetic than "one size fits all" ...if you can even put those two labels in the same category, I don't know. But here's mine for today:

Although you are quite familiar with your emotional attachments, they could pull you in a slightly different direction today. You may realize that your hypersensitivity is a mixed blessing, for you cannot avoid feeling someone's discomfort with your affection. When you understand that this is not about rejection, you may be able to grant him or her the necessary freedom for a new kind of love to blossom. ~from

Maybe I do believe in horoscopes. Either way, this one tends to suggest something I have been thinking about for a while, about how the best medicine is usually so foul to us. Or how, seemingly unregulated and chaotic traffic patterns tend to work better than overly orderly ones. Like this:

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