November 2, 2007

Content: Knowledge? Individual learning? Collective wisdom? Knowledge about readings? Referent organization? Which readings do we go back to?
  • Is there anything seriously emerging?
  • What is emerging?
  • Is it emerging in practice?
  • What are the highlights?
  • what readings come out most?
  • What have you found in outside agency and interactions?

Process: How are we organized for doing what we want to be doing? What are we learning about complexity and sustainability? What are our patterns of interaction? Live? Virtually? Learning about CAS? Is there too much lecture, not enough discussion? What works? What doesn’t? Someone dominates? Collaborative?

Sculpture: We might want to try Sculpture from a group process perspective.
  • How is it working?
  • Is this a collaborative endeavor?
  • We can do more Sculpting - the advantage is it is very interdisciplinary
  • How do you respect each others frames?

Boundaries: Who’s allowed in the class, what are the possibilities of changes
Where and when is this class for us? Is it 24/7? What is the role of new communication technologies? What’s possible?
  • How are we organized for learning?
  • What are the issues of boundaries?

Context: made possible by grant, what are theory and practice relevance? What makes the difference? What do we need to know about CAS, about our process? What would the socialization process be if we allowed new people in? How to plan for the future? What are our simple rules?
  • What about issues and Context?
  • What is possible with this class conducted in another context?
  • How is this theory and practice connected?
  • How is this only at USF vs. Sarasota and Hillborough?
  • What dow e need to know about complex systems and sustainability to make this work?
  • How would you mke this course yours next term?

Scholars mentioned:
John Maeda: Laws of simplicity
Herbert Simon: Architecture of Complexity

Are we comfortable with the language? Could we create a concept map? Is there a danger of not being able to talk to others about these ideas? Is there a way of doing complexity? Is it about understanding, acting? How is this connected to the readings? What articles are most important?

Jen’s understanding of things that restrict and foster participation:

Restrict What's appropriate and not appropriate?
Boundaries around engagement
Self constraints
Time to write read and particiapte
Public v. private
Left in or left out

Allison’s facilitation: subtle guide or not
Individual work - respecting it vs. editing it
Relationship/collaboration trust, integrity, respect
USF requirements/Grant
Drive to learn something new
Need to connect theory with practice

Describe a community Complexity - CAS
Complexity Statements - erw added

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