Friday, September 28, 2007

Sustainable Healthy Communities: Humanities and Social
Meeting in the Library
McKelvey - ethnography stuff - power law effects "ethnography by any other name"

  1. Family Dinner - the universal across all cultures - King High -Green Club - Green Planet - At Sweetwater Gardens, slow food movements
  2. Public Housing and Sustainable Communities - Ponce de Leon and College Hill where from 1999-2006 1400 families were relocated - East Tampa Changes - boardered by Hillsborough Ave, 56th Street, I-4 and I-275 - Redeveloped housing communities creating mixed use areas - What impacts are in community - GIS Studies - Public transportation and Business Impacts
  3. Brain Drain from developing countries of medical people. Philippians, Jamaica, Ecuador are losing doctors and nurses - 85% of Trained staff move out - Assessing migrations, generate innovative policies - ID Primary motivations - Dr. Jaime Corvin (813) 974-6690. => WikiPolisee Application
  4. Complexity Systems - Create a communiplexity hub- SCOPE Team- creating storyboards - video/audio of disadvantages youth. Hillsborough Team - Children's and Families Focus
  5. Women Health - Sustainable Communities as indicator of community health - How communities metabolize knowledge? - How knowledge is transmitted? - Who are the connectors to share info? - Where is the myth coming from?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Each community defines success and goals differently.
  • How can the butterfly effect changes
  • What is healthy and what is not?
  • Self-organization might not be into health
Hillsborough County - "Family Resource Centers" Setup for local community and run by them:
  • Wait lists of more to do
  • really listening to fit the people
  • baby bungalows
  • child abuse council
  • form and function conflicts
  • who made th decision and why
Complexiy conflicts
  • Predictability - knowing vs. anticipations
  • correlation in not causation
  • pattern tracking for detection of coherance

Quotes from John McKnight's Careless Society

"It is the people, caught in this web of counterproductive systems who must seek survival in the hopeless spaces available. They react in many ways, just as we would. They strike out, in anger, just as some of us would. They create productive , phoenix-like new ventures and initiatives, as some of us would. They despair and retreat into addictions as some of us would. They are normal people in an abnormal world, surrounded by expensive, costly helping systems that are the walls that bound their lives. To defy those walls, they must live abnormal lives - often productive, sometimes destructive, always creative." p.146

"If we are to restore the stepping stones from low-income neighborhoods into the center of society, we must face these facts:
1. The foundation stones of reform are economy and community.
2. The human service system can never substitute for these two resources.
3. The great public support systems cannot do their work if the primary foundations are eroded.

For policymakers, the alternative to ever-growing incarceration is clear. First, there must be a relentless focus upon initiatives that regenerate income and work. This regeneration will require relocating many resources from unproductive service systems to economy - enhancing local activities. Second, there must be a new committment to enhancing the powers of local associations, churches, and neighborhood organizations as the principal agents of support and problem solving.

These two standards command a review of all public programs, testing them agains these policy principles:
1. Does the public investment increase the income or the economic opportunity of the person of low income?
2. Does the public investment support the local community and its organizations and associations in doing the basic work that needs to be done?

Finally, to act on these principles will require hard choices. We are a society coming to grips with the recognition that our resources are limited. We cannot invest in growing human services and correctional systems while increasing investments in economy and community. Indeed, should we invest ever more in failed service and correctional systems, the economic and community stepping stones to a viable society will vanish under the rising tide of the waters of hopelessness." p.148-149

"Those who seek to institute the community vision believe that beyond therapy and advocacy is the constellation of community associations. They see a society where those who were once labeled, exiled, treated, counseled, advised, and protected are, instead, incorporated into community, where their capacities, gifts, and fallibilities will allow a network of relationships involving work, recreation, friendship, support, and the political power of being a citizen.

The community experience involves:
Capacity - half-full
Collective effort

We all know that community must be the center of our lives because it is only in community that we can be citizens. It is only in community that we can find care. It is only in community that we can hear people singing." p.172

blog therapy

I can't sleep. I just finished reading John McKnight's Careless Society, and I highly recommend it. Thinking about it, I agree with a lot of points in the book, and I can really see where he's going with "backwards thinking." Giving power back to the citizens to form the communities they need to stay healthy, wealthy, and connected is powerful stuff.


I take pictures of the sky on the 15th day of each month while facing north from one of my favorite places in the world. The Sulphur Springs Pool, in Tampa. The pictures are part of a project of Dr. Emoto of the Messages of Water, which you might have seen on the movie, What the Bleep do we know. Dr. Emoto believes that water crystals can represent a sort of memory retained by water. He shows words of love and thankfulness to the samples of water he photographs and then compares the structure of the water crystals that are created as the water freezes at very low temperatures. There is a lot of "newage-y ness" out there and it is hard to know what to believe. My gut feeling is that Dr. Emoto really believes what he is saying, and if he is saying spread love and thankfulness then that is a good enough message for me.

links and threads

I was looking at the list of grouped complexity sites and was intrigued by one called trojanmice. I clicked on it and found it to be a practical site for organizations who want to make changes, but know that large shockwave changes stir up the water for a little while, but the old ways are still there after the dust settles. Unfortunately the news section of this site has not been updated since 2005. So I looked to the links page and one that caught my eye was Action Science. I entered this site and found that the ideas for Action Science were founded on the ideas of Kurt Lewin and John Dewey. These names had links as well and so I clicked on Kurt Lewin, taking me to the entry about him in Wikipedia. The Wikipedia entry discussed Lewin's Equation of human behavior: (not a mathematical equation)

B=f(P,E) Behavior is the function of the Person and his or her Environment

This of course, is common knowledge, that boiling down human behavior to a single constant law is a very hard, maybe impossible thing to do. It reminded me of a scene in Harold and Maude, where Maude tells Harold, "Consistency isn't a human virtue." (I quote this movie a lot.)

Reaching this point, I decided to write a blog about the ways I choose a path to understanding. Like in conversation, sometimes the decisions I make to follow a link or to find a book on a shelf are quick and not easy to follow. Slowing the process down by writing about it, might make the dams in the stream of consciousness. Thinking about it now, how important is the need to share with you the decisions I make to follow a particular link on the internet? Probably not that important. I will see where this takes us. Your comments are welcome.

September 14, 2007

What's the relevance of a zoomed out perspective?
What's the difference between self reflection and reflective function?

Asset-Based Community Development Institute

For nearly three decades, John McKnight has conducted research on social service delivery systems, health policy, community organizations, neighborhood policy, and institutional racism. He currently directs research projects focused on asset-based neighborhood development and methods of community building by incorporating marginalized people.

What's the purpuse?
The approach that best suits us... What works best...

Learning to adapt is critical. If you don't try new things you will be left behind...

This is the challenge, how do we move into this new world. Are we learning and generating knowlegde?? We need to connect. Complexity scientists are very technical so it will be an advantage.

Literally emerging out of nothing?
What are theroels of particiapants?
How do we make this all work?

We need to go very slowly. we need more feedback loops, but we don't have the time. We have to learn from the feedback loops...

What to do?

  1. posting journal entries
  2. post articles, links, pdf files
  3. having virtual meetings
  4. inviting others
  5. community events calander
  6. capacity to be private or not - seminar and then community complexity
  7. sharing mroe information, providing basic points, comments
  8. add pictures and images
  9. edit adn update these images

Next week:

  1. read 2a
  2. choose from unread or something else...
  3. explore website and choose some to follow
  4. posting community examples

Friday, September 7, 2007

Ok I was late to the first class meeting. Nothing was posted about class meeting room and no one told me anything until the morning of. Thanks Carol. She actually didn't know either but the Office Manager in Communications told her.

For some reason, my notes are dated 8/29 Notes on reading "A complexity Science Primer" ... i could have been confused. :) - amelia.

Yes You are right, I've got 9/7/07 on the top of my notes, no idea where this other date came from... so maybe we should combine these pages? - eric

Notes from the meeting
check on EO Wilson Socio Biology

Use all the technologies we can find:
social bookmarking
login register help
» all your bookmarks in one place
» bookmark things for yourself and friends
» check out what other people are bookmarking
please touch
free wiki websites where everyone gets a brush
start a wiki
Make your own wiki for your class, circle of friends, or favorite things.
Get busy makin' wiki!


PACT People Advocating Change Together

What community can do for complexity and What Complexity can do for Community

How do we self-organize? Is "doing" before knowing what we do common?
Decentralize power
Network talent model - seperated process from potential
scale free dynamics
bricolage - make do with what you've got
true phase transition - re-organize

Each one of us can discover what are the one or several websites that seem interesting to us.

Assignment for next week:
Write something about complexity (1-2 pages on how complexity informs our life.)- what is the community showing me about complexity??? Bring a couple questions for discussion.

Friday September 7, 2007

Threads, broccoli - tracking particularities, tracking metaphors

systems thinking

-how we think of community as a metaphor

fractals: computer tech has used idea to save space on a hard drive, traditional managerial hierarchy as a fractal


-who you are is based on everything we come across

-G.H. Mead: you are your relationships


-various ways to get to the same place

we each reorganize out of chaos

-how do we create a space to reorganize?

--->knowledge money

chaos----->-------change agent----------------->space------>chaos

--->capacity to act

articulate and resonate

tapping collective wisdom smart mobs techno train

asset based collaboration

-power of an individual to change the whole dynamic

-freeing up a system

-helpful as long as you know who's on the bus

-the use of narrative complexity

relevant patterns --->relevant change

send out points of clarification ... form follows function ... inclusive as possible

bullets of relevance when sending out events, articles

This seminar to help us become knowledgeable about complexity

protection and stewardship

readings on community and sustainability

Next Week:

read Complexity and Philosophy from communiplexity wiki

(Kurt Richardson - To Be or Not to Be) mentioned but not chosen for next week

Shared reading

Designated readings

website scanning: more intimately tracking- to lurk

post our community example on yahoo groups

a living learning environment.

personal notes on this class: we are definitely still forming in this group. I felt Allison reacting to Carol as she was winding away from the group in a story and to Eric with his present technology. I feel like I fed the fire for going forward on the yahoo groups idea mostly because it already exists. the worry about unfinished, unconnected links in cyberspace unfounded? How do we feel when we come across a page that goes nowhere, and is unfinished. Carol remarked that the temperature was cold. David and Eric chose the same seats as last week and Mukkaram chose to sit between them. I found myself with my back to the clock again which I think is good. ( I never felt rushed.) -amelia